Over 60 Years of Amazing Customer Service!

Auto Services

Oil, Lube, and Filter Change Services


Jacksonville & St. Mary's AAMCO
Full Service Oil, Lube, & Filter Change

Mechanics agree that changing the engine oil and filter on a regular basis is the single most important maintenance service you can perform for your automobile, truck, or SUV. Generally, your vehicle's oil should be changed about every 3,000 miles if you are driving in what are defined as severe conditions - stop-and-go traffic, city driving, lots of short trips—or what the majority of Jacksonville & St. Mary'sdrivers face today.

Schedule a Service Call AAMCO! (877) 646-0229

Synthetic Oil Change Service
With AAMCO's full oil, lube, & filter service, we'll go the extra mile to make sure your car has the lifeblood it needs to carry you on the road reliably. Give us a call today to schedule your service.

Lube + Filter Change
Your engines air and oil filter can degrade over time and cause serious performance and fuel problems like lower mileage, less engine power and acceleration issues. It's important to regularly replace older filters to preserve your vehicles performance and to protect the engine itself. Call your local AAMCO today for:

  • Complete lube and filter service
  • New Oil filters
  • New Air filters
  • Oil filter replacement
  • Air filter replacement
  • Engine lubrication
  • Lubrication of engine fittings
  • Fluid replacement and topping off
  • Complete engine leak inspections
  • Belts and hoses diagnostics

Aamco's Oil, Lube & Filter Change Includes:

  • Lubrication of Any Grease Fittings on Your Automobile, as Applicable
  • New Oil Filter
  • Up to 5 Quarts of Quality Engine Oil
  • *PLUS AAMCO’s 36-Point ProtectCheck Inspection of All Major Systems of Your Vehicle

Jacksonville (Westside)
7532 103rd St
Jacksonville, Florida 32210
904-772-7557 | M-F: 8:00am-6:00pm
Jacksonville (Mandarin/Southside)
10022 San Jose Blvd
Jacksonville, Florida 32257
904-262-2900 | M-F: 8:00am-6:00pm
Jacksonville (Dunn Ave, Northside)
10691 Biscayne Blvd
Jacksonville, Florida 32218
904-757-5106 | M-F: 8:00am-5:30pm
Jacksonville (Arlington/Southside)
8721 Atlantic Blvd
Jacksonville, Florida 32211
904-724-1477 | M-F: 8:00am-5:30pm
Orange Park
356 Blanding Blvd.
Orange Park, Florida 32073
904-272-7166 | M-F: 8:00am-6:00pm
St. Mary’s
4396 Highway 40 East
St Mary's, GA 31558
912-882-1700 | M-F: 8:00am-5:30pm
St. Augustine
2664 US 1 South
St. Augustine, Florida 32086
904-797-5000 | M-F: 8:00am-5:30pm

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